Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
- Mt 28:19
The Sacrament of Baptism is the way out of the kingdom of death into life, the gateway to the Church, and the beginning of a lasting communion with God. It is the foundational sacrament and the prerequisite for all other sacraments. It unites us with Jesus Christ, incorporates us into his redemptive death on the Cross, thereby freeing us from the power of Original Sin and all personal sins, and causes us to rise with him to a life without end. Since Baptism is a covenant with god, the individual must say yes to it. In the baptism of children, the parents and godparents confess the faith on behalf of the children.
El Sacramento de Bautismo es el camino que lleva desde el reino de la muerte a la Vida; la puerta de entrada a la Iglesia y el comienzo de una comunión permanente con Dios. El Bautismo es el sacramento fundamental y la condición previa de todos los demás sacramentos. Nos une a Jesucristo, nos introduce en su muerte salvífica en la Cruz, y por ello nos libera del poder del pecado original y de todos los pecados personales y nos permite resucitar con él a una vida sin fin. Puesto que el Bautismo es una alianza con Dios, el hombre debe dar su «sí» a Dios. En el bautismo de niños los padres y los padrinos confiesan la fe en representación de su hijo.
Through Baptism each child is inserted into a gathering of friends who never abandon him in life or in death. ... This group of friends, this famioly of God, into which the child is now admitted, will always accompany him, even on days of suffering and in life's dark nights;
it will give him consolation, comfort, and light.
- Pope Benedict XVI