#iGIVECATHOLIC is a Giving Day for faithful across the nation to come together and raise as many charitable dollars as possible for Catholic parishes, schools, and ministries in participating dioceses. Last year #iGiveCatholic raised more than 7.4 million for 3,500+ U.S. Catholic organizations. The Diocese of Boise and St. Agnes Church are participating partners in #iGiveCatholic.
The 2020 campaign will begin on Monday, November 16th and conclude with Giving Tuesday, December 1st. To make an online donation go to www.igivecatholic.org under partner put “Diocese of Boise,” under parish “St. Agnes,” and under location, “Weiser, Idaho.” Donations to St. Agnes will support the renovation of the church interior. Donations can be made directly to St. Agnes Church; mark your donation with “I Give Catholic” and place it in the collection any weekend or mail to the parish office.